Friday, March 15, 2013

A Junior High Weather

This time of year is like a moody Junior High girl.  So many ups and downs.  Never knowing what's coming next.  Can't decide what she wants.

Just confusing!

I mean, yesterday Rylee and I were outside playing and crawling around in the beautiful weather eating snow. I made sure and taught her to stay away from the yellow stuff. Then today it started out sunny, then sleeted, now snowing buckets.

Now I know how Steve felt when I was pregnant.  I can't handle this unsteadiness.

Unfortunately there is nothing I can do.  It's like a big puberty zit. It randomly appears in the dark of the night and then slips away a few nights later and you wake up ecstatic, refreshed, ready to conquer the world.  Until the cycle repeats.

But I'll suck it up and get through it like I did those dreadful Junior High years and focus on those memorable moments.

Moments like these.

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