Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Rylee 10 Months

Rylee’s 10 month birthday went missing, 29th, so we are recognizing it on March 1st.  I was still recuperating from missing her insanely at that point so I was stuck to her like glue and forced her to cuddle with me.  I think Gma and Papa cuddled her out though from staying a week there b/c there is no more cuddling.  I practically have to pick her up while she’s sleeping to just get a good long cuddle in.  I haven’t done that, but I am very highly tempted to do so.

One of the biggest changes for Miss Rylee Sue is that she is now crawling!  We left for Cancun and she was still getting stuck in the most random places and came back to her just starting to scoot along!  And it wasn’t more than a few days and she was scooting everywhere.  

A lot of times I write these posts just so I can look back later and see where she was at and what she was doing.  However, this time I'm having a hard time remembering what she did at 10 months vs now.  It's weird to think a child can change so very much that fast.  

Some things for sure haven't changed though.  

I still think she's the cutest when we wrap her in her little orange towel with puppy dog ears.

She still loves to go for rides.  

Even if it's freezing out or just to Target.

She's even getting the whole shopping down now.  
Especially the shoes!  
(I should note: I wish I could be a big shopper, 
but for budget purposes Dave Ramsey has taught me otherwise.)

But I still find extreme amounts of joy dressing her up.

Steve on the other hand loves his date nights with Rylee to hockey games.
Mom likes this too :)

And of course...
Rylee still likes to eat.

Happy Birthday Smiley!

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