Monday, March 11, 2013

Motivational Monday

Good morning to all those tuning into Motivational Monday.
I sincerely hope this email finds you well as you put on your slacks, runners, and shirt for the day and prepare for the outstanding week that is ahead of us. 
I was out to eat with a great family friend and former teammate of Carly’s a few weeks back.  She shared with me true motivation. This man, Nick Vujicic, is an example of a man who truly loves life.  This man lives each day to its fullest, smiles big, take chances, and makes those around him or who come across his path better.  Some of you have watched or heard Nick’s words and testimony before.  If not, prepare to be inspired!

This man has been handed a bad deck of cards, right?  He sure doesn’t think so and nor should you if you heard his message and digested it fully.  He doesn’t have arms or legs.  He describes his leg in this clip as a “chicken drum-stick”.  Isn’t it crazy to reflect on your own life and think about all that you complain about and all the things you don’t have?  I am guilty of it just as much as the next person.  I complain about money, work, time, transportation, and other personal issues.  I complain about the guy flying by me on the interstate only to eventually end up at the same off ramp stop light.  I complain about not being able to play sports because I am working on my schooling.  The list goes on and on and on…
This clip makes me realize how selfish I am to be continually complaining about what I don’t have.  Don’t concentrate on the things that you wish you had.  Remember what you do have.  This should be motivation in itself because we all have a ton!  Let’s flip our state of mind this week together if you find yourself slipping into the negative direction and self talk.  You have plenty to be thankful for and you need to recognize it!   
I challenge you this week to work off Nick’s key points in his message.  Be thankful, take pride in your worth, and smile big! 
Let’s be great this week together.

A special thank you goes out to the individual who introduced me to Nick Vujicic’s messages.  You have and will continue to be an inspirational and motivational woman in my life and my families.

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