Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Swing In The House

While I was busy writing and reminiscing all about Cancun, Rylee turned 10 months.  A lot has changed since she's turned that old.  But that's for tomorrow's post.  I don't have enough coffee in me to reflect on the changes.  Plus she's crawling out of this room right now to go explore and make a mess or to eat some dry wall so I better make this quick. 

Yesterday we got a little antsy.  So we grabbed a Christmas present and had some make-shift fun.  

A swing in the house!

Don't worry it was safe.  It holds my weight so it better hold Rylee's.

We used Steve's pull-up bar and hung her swing from there.  And she loved it!  We swung multiple times and plan to do it today as well. In fact, we saw a little 'tude come out when we took her out of the swing.

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