Thursday, June 20, 2013

Coming Along... Slowly

Rylee is still not walking.

She's a content baby.

It's okay.  

I couldn't' actually care less except for the fact that we play on our concrete.  She dislikes grass and just sits there with her arms up waiting for me to come get her.  One time I swung by myself on our swing set that I'm way too big for, for close to 5 minutes and she didn't make a move and she only had 20 feet to crawl to get to it. 

And yes her arms were up almost the entire time begging.

I finally gave in.

Playing on concrete poses three issues.  One: We can't wear shorts unless we want scraped up knees. Two: The capris she does wear are worn and beaten up.  So we now have had to create her play pants category to her wardrobe.  And lastly, we can never go without shoes or even just wear sandals.  Those poor little toes would take a beating!

So now our back patio is covered with blankets just to protect those cute chubby legs a bit.  But we do venture off quite often and practice walking. In fact I walk up and down... up and down.... up and down our driveway quite often with Rylee as she stiff legs it behind a stroller that doesn't allow her to stand up straight because she's too tall.  In fact I can't find one that is tall enough for her.

But she's coming along... slowly.

I'm thinking the next baby may be walking first.

1 comment:

  1. I understand! Sav FINALLY started walking at 15 months. Now she doesn't stop moving!
