Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Boy or Girl... One Week

The combination of this weather, baby, and Rylee, my energy feels like it's literally being sucked out of me.  I even took a nap yesterday by accident.  I never take naps.  I wish I could but I seem to never be able to fall asleep.  Too many things and too many to dos running through my head.  But yesterday, after putting Rylee down I went to go just put up my feet as my legs and back are pretty achy right now from pregnancy, and I fell asleep checking my email on my phone. I woke up to drool about to run down my lip and a dry sheet ball tucked under my upper thigh resulting in my leg becoming completely numb.

It was glorious.

Besides the numbness.

Another thing that is glorious is next Monday we hopefully find out the sex of our baby!!

This pregnancy has been flying by.  I'm not sure if it's Rylee keeping us busy or the summer activities but we feel like we just found out we were pregnant a couple weeks ago... okay well a couple months ago.  I mean I haven't even put the videos up of us telling our families yet on our blog.  (adding that to my long to do list)

But I'm very excited to find out.  Finding out means operation planning and preparing can begin.  We think the nursery will stay the nursery for the new baby and Rylee will be moving into our office which is now a conglomeration of dressers, a desk, a non working printer, bedding, and stuff I'm suppose to be selling on craigslist or ebay for my parents but I keep forgetting.  Needless to say it will be nice to have this room actually be something.

This room drives me crazy.

We've had a lot of people ask us what we think we'll be having or if we have a preference.  No on the preference.  But Steve thinks we are having a boy, which he thought that last time.  He thinks the Dus's produce boys as his dad and his grandpa are from a family of all boys.  In fact our niece was the first girl in a very long time.  Even steve's cousins are all boys.

I however, think Steve is just one of those daddy's that God made to have all girls.  He'll be much better with our daughters in the teenage years or even the drama years that come before that when girls get a little caddy.  Sometimes I think God made me to have no emotions.  I just say deal with it. Where Steve actually will.  So, he's blessed with all daughters I think.

But who knows.  We'll see.  IN ONE WEEK!!!

So for pure enjoyment I put a poll on the side of this blog.  Vote whether you think we'll be having a boy or girl.  In the meantime, enjoy the photos from the weekend.

Thursday we went to an outdoor live concert in Woodbuy.  After seeing this pic of Rylee... we are wondering who now has the bigger belly, Mom or Rylee.

And I for some reason LOVE this photo.  Two cute little butts.

Friday Steve had off work so I put him to work at home and we cut down some branches.

I also put Rylee to work and we washed some cars.

Then Sunday Steve's Godparents came into town!  They might be the sweetest people I've ever met.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the "shout-out"!!!! Love the pic.
