Friday, November 11, 2011

Stupid Door

Quick update on Baby D: Steve and I just got back from our 16 week appointment for Baby D. Nothing too exciting on this appointment but we did get to hear the heartbeat again, it's at 152 and we just asked her some more questions. But everything is looking great. Now I just can't wait for the next one. We find out the sex!!!

Oh and Baby D made me get up in the middle of the night again to use the ladies room. We usually move all the blankets and pillows out of my way so I don't trip on them. Which we did but next time we might have to remove the door.

I ran right into it!

Seriously tried to go through it. Steve said it sounded like a gernade went off. My toe hurt so bad... I thought i broke it. But I'm alive. Baby D was unharmed.

Last night I went to a friend's house. A group of us from college try to get together once a month at one another's house. It's super fun. I wasn't able to go the last two time because of Baby D. The first month I had just found out that I was pregnant and we weren't telling people yet. So I couldn't go or I would have spilled the beans for sure. Then the second I wasn't feeling so hot.

But last night I finally was able to enjoy. It's fun because everyone is in different life stages, new boyfriends, reaching the year mark, anticipating rings, engaged, newlyweds and then me... preggers. So conversations are all over the place and I love it.

Last nights I was impressed with. It had a Thanksgiving theme.

We had a fruit turky join us.

Little pilgrim hats.

And these awesome place cards that I really want someday.

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