Thursday, December 8, 2011

Big Sister Love

I love my older sister.

She's an amazing person. She's 4 years older than I am so we've always gotten along. There was a period in time when our lives were in totally different stages that we didn't talk or hang out much but we still remained close.

She actually doesn't look like that anymore. This is her from this summer with her adorable daughter Avery. I always wanted to be like Jena from the time I was little.

She always seemed to know exactly what she wanted out of life and had her head on straight. She was an amazing big sister to look up to.

Plus, Mom always gave her the cute big bows...

... the fun puffy bangs....

... and great style.

She took the time to hang out with her much younger sisters. She'd play dolls, dress up the kitties, play school and always had to be the teacher, and would take us for rides. She actually planned out our daily schedule and wrote it down and everything.

But most of all she just loved us for who we were.

She's also the entertainment of the family. We actually say she is the fun one because she really doesn't have a filter and says the most random things and is always goofy.

I don't get to see too much of Jena b/c she had to get married to a wonderful, strapping, young farmer all the way down in Iowa.

But we manage to see each other about once-a-month to support each other for big events in our lives...

and just to hang out.

I get to see her this weekend though! Her and her new little baby boy Emery Mark.

Emery was born very early this morning at 3am! He's a healthy 8 lb 1oz baby and is as cute as a button.

Can't wait to meet you Emery. And just so you know, you are the luckiest little boy because you have an exceptional Mommy. A Mommy who loves God above all, is caring, kind, full of love and joy, and super fun. She's my best friend. Well her and my other sister :)

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