I've got it in my head that I'm going to go in early to labor. I think this is due to the fact that multiple individuals have influenced the feelings in my head by telling me I'm going to go early. A couple friends, a few family members, my own husband, my doctor! But I'm trying to come to the basic realization that I probably won't. I'll probably come even a few painful days late.
But I'm okay with it.
Well I'm trying to talk myself into being okay with it.
I'm not doing a very good job of talking myself into it.
But I'm still pretty lucky. I'm not too huge. I'm still comfortable. I can still go on bike rides. I still sleep great through the night besides a few random nights here and there. I can still walk up the stairs. Tie my shoes. Attempt to paint my toe nails. All that good stuff.
However, I'm down to just these pair of pants which thank goodness my employer doesn't care that I wear to work. So if you see me. Yes, I've worn these pants for about the last 8 days in a row now.

Steve and I did have an appointment with our doctor today. We had tons of questions on when do we go in, what is the check in process, do we bring our bags in, signs to come in, the whole birthing process, the benefits of drugs vs none. Turns out there are none! Well that's personal opinion as always. We are still undecided. How long of a stay?
I was feeling really good about the appointment. I was feeling more prepared every second. But then the Dr checked me over... no progress. So sad :( I really did get pretty sad. I was all convinced that I've progressed along pretty far considering where the pains were starting to develop. Stupid pains played tricks on me!!!!
Not cool.
So to help me feel better, Steve took me out for breakfast and coffee to our favorite little restaurant, Angelinas. It was nice to spend some good quality time with him. We both get so busy during the week that it was nice to take a break and catch-up. Plus, they have really good coffee ;)
When we were at Angelinas Steve came face to face with the fact that he is getting old. See Steve has had a problem with phones. He had a very durable flip phone that went through war and back throuhout his entire college career but then it failed him about a year ago. Mainly b/c he used it as a stir stick one night and probably dropped it every day or so a couple times. So he finally had to lay it to rest and say his goodbyes.
Then being a penny pincher he grabbed my old phone, the Dare phone. He felt so special b/c it was the first touch screen phone he ever had. Mind you people at this time had iphones, androids... basically any smartphone. The Dare phone wasn't considered quite smart enough yet to be a smart phone. But he did still feel really cool b/c he could touch the screen and buttons would light up.

But then this device failed him. Actually it failed him rather quickly. Within a 4 month time period. So again not wanting to spend money on a new phone, he grabbed an even older one of mine out of storage. The Razor!

Remember this guy?
This guy treated me well and is still treating Steve well. But unfortunately Steve can't look cool again b/c he doesn't have the "touch screen" But he does feel really cool flipping this bad boy open every time he wants to talk on it.
Okay... face to face with being old.
As we were sitting, enjoying our meal. Our young waitress came up and says to Steve, "OMG, is that an old Razor phone? I haven't seen one of those since the sixth grade!" First kick.... ohhh...Steve's hurting.
But she was sweet and we asked her how everything was and got to talking about class. She said she was PSEO at the U of M. Second swift kick.....ohhh and he's down!
Steve just realized in that instant that a senior in high school just made fun of him b/c he had an ancient phone, one that she hadn't seen in 6 years. 6 years since she was a sixth grader probably rockin' the first iPhone that just came out. (no idea when they came out)
She left and he just looked at me and said. "I've never felt older in my life."
Well get used to it honey. Baby D will becoming out of the womb probably with an iPad in hand teaching us all the latest technology that is out there.
I mean last night was the first night in 3 years since we've had TV. And it's with bunny ears. And we get 2 channels. And our brother-n-law had to set it up.
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