Monday, April 9, 2012

A B&B Experience

Steve surprised me this last Christmas with one last romantic getaway before Baby D comes. I've always wanted to do a Bed and Breakfast so he surprised me with a B&B to Lanesboro, MN. The B&B capital.

I let Steve do all the planning for the trip which usually never happens. It was his present so he wanted to take care of it all. I never take the backseat. This somewhat freaked me out. I was worried there would be something that would be forgotten. I didn't even double check to make sure he had all arrangements squared away. Turns out he did. Except for one important factor.


Steve is awful with directions. He doesn't know south from north half the time. If he was trying to get to New York he'd probably end up in California. Anyways, we start heading south which I'm guessing he only knew to do b/c I asked him if we can stop in the town south of us, Hastings for some coffee.

On our way down, I ask him how long the trip will take. He has no idea. Then I probe further.

Do you have the address? No address. I can look up the address on my phone. No big deal.

Do you have the Garmin. No GPS. He forgot it.

So I'm worried. We have no idea how long it takes, no address, no GPS.

So I ask him. Steve do you have any clue to where Lanesboro is?

Not. A. Clue!!!

Are you kidding me? I look at him in disbelief and I ask him. Well how do you expect we arrive at this destination that you are taking me to for our romantic, carefree, getaway?

He starts to get it. Starts to realize he screwed up. He starts fumbling with words, trying to think of excuses. Realizes he has no excuses. No way out.... so he just says... oops. My fault.

I just start laughing at him because I should have expected this.

But we made it thanks to an old fold-out map that I had in the car. Which hasn't been out since the 1980's and my phone.

The rest of the vacation was wonderful though. We had a really great time. Steve played tour guide and we walked around on some trails, walk around down-town, walked until my feet started to swell. Then we ate some snacks, ate some more snacks and then ate until we were stuffed and my tummy started to swell! But I loved every minute of it.
And this is where we stayed. Stone Mill Inn and Suites. I highly recommend this place. It was fantastic.

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