Friday, May 18, 2012

The Lost Art Of A Good Supper Club

Yesterday was the big day that I turned 27.  Actually it's kind of sad.  I totally forgot about my own birthday!  Steve and I woke up and he so kindly and lovingly wished me a happy birthday and I had to think twice to myself... really?  It is?  I guess this is what comes with old age and the motherhood brain.  I'll have to write myself a note next year letting me know that I'm about to turn 28.

I wasn't thinking that we were going to do anything for my birthday.  1.  b/c Rylee is still pretty young and 2.  Steve is absolutely swamped with his work and observation hours going on much less trying to squeeze in some father daughter time.

But he surprise texted me telling me to get ready to go out to eat just an hour and half before departure.  Holy Cow!  I have an infant and myself to get ready.  I'm not used to this whole thing.  Every time I try to take a shower she decides she wants to eat again.  I'm not going to lie... she's a little bit of an oinker.  She eats a lot.  :)

But we managed to get ready and have enough time to feed her.  I might just be a pro....

We headed on south to a small little supper club called Wiederholt's in a town I've never heard of Miesville. Steve heard a lot of recommendations so we were excited to see what this place was all about.  Well in a town of maybe 70 people the supper club was amazingly delicious.  So absolutely mouth watering amazing.  Steve's ribs fell right off the bone and my steak and sweet potato were to die for. Plus, they baked a homemade cake for my birthday.  How sweet!

We'll definitely be going back there again. Plus a little bonus was that we love the small town feel, the supper club service, the inexpensive food, the large portions and no Minneapolis traffic.

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