Monday, June 18, 2012

A Lovely Father's Day Weekend.

Happy Father's Day! 

Beware.... lots of photos.... random description of events... I'm low on sleep.  Piecing the weekend together in a well written format was not in the cards today.

Is it ever?

I need much more coffee.  Maybe gallons worth.

Please come to my rescue local Starbucks!


We celebrated Father's Day spending time with the lovely Dus Family over the weekend at our place.  I love when they come to our place.  It forces us all to stay under one small tiny roof.  

I find that confined spaces really enhances the bonding process :)

They came up late Saturday morning so Steve and I found a little time to spend with each other and Rylee.   This is how Steve started out his Saturday morning.  (might be my favorite photo yet) 

Then he got all antsy and wanted to go for a walk.  I left all plans up to him and all chores up to me since it was Father's Day weekend.   I, however, ruined his plans by not preparing.  It's amazing how ones bladder changes after pregnancy.  (TMI?... you should be used to that by now reading this blog)

Look at this cute peanut!

Then his best buddy from High School so kindly made the time to come visit us on his very busy weekend back visiting.  I find him to be one of the most fascinating people with his extensive knowledge and thirst for travel.  I learn something new on each visit.  Such as... what Challah is. Don't know?  Use my best friend google.  I just did so I knew how to spell it.  I think I visit google no lie... 10 times a day.  (ps... it's jewish bread)

Then the family arrived.  Rylee was so excited to meet her cousins.  Can you see the extreme excitement pouring out in those facial expressions!

This is her Auntie...  Thanks Steve.  

And I had to make a verbal contract with her Uncle, Steve's brother.  I could only take a photo if I promised not to post his beautiful face on any social media.

So here is his back side.

It was such a beautiful day to fire-up the grill and just do a little hanging out.  

It also just happened to be Morgan's birthday.  Well, it's coming up.  But, Steve and I totally forgot to wrap it.  Ooops.... so with this brilliant mind of mine (major sarcasm) we decided to play it off like we did it on purpose and send her on a little hunt for it instead.  Turns out... She loves play the Hot and Cold game.  

Also turns out she already has a scooter...

Then Mother Nature tried to put a little dent in our afternoon by sending us some lovely showers.   Jokes on her b/c it just sent us in the garage to play a little hockey.  (Yes that is a baseball mitt Steve is wearing)

Break time to Zamboni!

Papa was in his own little heaven spectating this wonderful sport being played out in front of him.  Plus he had his two loves.  Rylee and Pepsi.

Then Grandma brought out some old time hockey goodies from Steve's past that she unloaded into our kitchen when she got the itch to clean out her basement.  And they so secretly unloaded too.  One time the kitchen was clean.  The next I'm walking in tripping over totes upon totes.  Sly little devils!

Then we ended up the evening with one of my favorite camping memories that I wanted to introduce to the Dus Family.  Pizzas on the fire. You take a little fire device ( no idea what it is called) butter up some bread, add some marinara sauce, some cheese, lovely toppings, and roast over the fire without trying to singe off your lashes and eye brows.

With a note to end this blog... Thank you to the two Fathers in my life.  My own father and the father of my child.  These two men might be the most amazing individuals ever.  In fact they are a lot a like.... it's scary!  They can be the burliest of men yet have the softest of hearts.  You won't find two men more caring, hard working and honorable then these two.  Happy Father's Day.

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