Monday, July 30, 2012

3 Months!

Happy 3 month birthday to my little sweetie pie!

Well "little" is not exactly how I can describe here anymore.

This was little.

 This is "I'm growing up so fast Mommy starts to cry when she thinks about how time as flown by"  big.

Well... I don't really cry but I do come across a little emotion when I think about it.  I even tell Steve how I'm ready to have another baby!

He then freaks out.

Then I start to feel a little concerned about that thought becoming a reality.  The sleepless nights worrying about if they are still breathing so you stare for endless hours at the video monitor until you can't take it anymore so you actually go in and peak into the crib just to make sure there chest is rising up and down and then you wonder if it is so you lean in closer and finally even have to touch her every so lightly to make sure she is and just hope and pray that you don't wake her b/c really you need to go back to bed to sneak in 30 minutes of sleep before her next feeding.   ...(and breathe)

Yes... that is how it went.  I do not miss that.

But oh how I miss holding a little baby in my arms.  I loved that little tiny newborn size.  They are just so sweet and helpless and they so need there mommy.  And they are so cute drowning in every piece of clothing you put on them and so tiny in there little car seats.

Now she's busting out of the seams and in 6 month clothing. 

Yes.... she does wear some 6 month outfits.

But the smiles and the attempts at giggles and the little cute "talking" noises and even the cute spit-ups that get caught in the folds of her 5 chins just make me realize how much I love this stage in her life and how much I'll enjoy the many more to come.

Yes even enjoy the Terrible Twos and the "Whatever Mom Roll Your Eyes" - teenage years.

1 comment:

  1. Think you'll love the teen years. Possible in short spurts. HAHAHA!
    Deb E. (Crash)
