Thursday, August 30, 2012

4 Months

So I claimed I wasn't going to post about Rylee... 

All Lies.

Well I had good intentions but then yesterday marked her 4 month birthday so I had to.

She's accomplished a lot in this last month.

1. She rolled over!  It happened when Rylee and I were just chillin' at the lake with Grandma and Grandpa Freiborg.  Grandpa was playing with her and she must of though.  "Ugh Grandpa I'm sick of playing with you." so she tried to get away :)  or she was saying, "I'm going to do something really cool just for your 34th anniversary.

2.  She's mastered the jump-a-roo.  We still have to wrap a blanket around her so she doesn't smack her head on the play toys which I realized shortly after this picture.  The blanket then results in her not being able to reach the toys so really it's like a tease and she just has to look at them. 

3.  She drove the boat for the first time.
 More so she entertained us for about 5 minutes while we held up her hands and forced her to hold the wheel.

4.  She played with her first doll toy.
 Or we played with her "in" her first doll toy.
 It was way cute!

Happy birthday Miss Rylee Sue!

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