Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Labor Day Weekend

This last beautiful Labor Day weekend we skipped out of town and drove all the way to the beautiful Wisconsin Dells area for a weekend getaway at Steve's Uncle's cabin.  The long 3 1/2 hour drive was well worth it as it always seems to be.  And Rylee was a champ, sleeping most of the way.  When  she did wake up an hour outside of the cabin, we fed her some nummy gummy worms and hopped her all up on some sugar before we passed her off to Grandma.  

She didn't necessarily eat the gummy worms more so licked them in contemplation wondering if she liked them.  In fact she tried sucking on them, then got frustrated that nothing was coming out, and then grabbed it from my hand and just stared at it wondering "what in the world?"  At least that is what I perceived to be happening in that little brain of hers.

Once we got to the cabin, the rest of the weekend was filled with Rylee's beautiful cousins continuously loving on Rylee.  They just couldn't get enough of her.

They fed her...

They watched her swing in the hammock...

They were forced to put their arm around Rylee for a cute photo op in the hammock.

They played with her by the fire...

In the pool.
(well everyone did)

I mean she was super adorable.

And when Rylee did sleep they watched her sleep and continuously asked when she was going to wake up so they could hold her and play with her.  :)

But they did manage to have fun while she napped.

They played wiffle ball.

Watched Uncle Steve continue the tradition of having Uncle Randy throw Steve the football while he jumped off the dock.

They sang "Call Me Maybe" 

And did tons more that wore them out by the end of the day.

Thank you to these two for wearing Rylee out and making her sleep the entire car ride home without a peep or the slightest wiggle.

oh and Granmda got some time in there as well :)

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