Monday, August 20, 2012

Here's To Hoping.

I've never really been into the whole "Enter your Child into a contest."  It's sounds a little superficial right?  Are we teaching them the right morals - Beauty is everything!  Well,  I wasn't... until today.


I caved.

I just entered Rylee into the Baby Photo contest for Gerber.  Yes... sadly I did.  But it wasn't too sad when you look at the prizes!  Oh yeah.  $50,000 and other prizes like an education fund. Of course this will all go to her if she wins.


Now, I am pretty realistic.  Rylee is, yes, so amazingly adorable. As her mother I hope I would think that.  But I have a pretty good feeling every mother thinks that and according to the latest census... there are a lot of mothers out there which means a lot of really cute  babies. (did you think I was actually going to look up the exact # of moms?  you're crazy)  But, according to the latest Gerber Baby entry count there are over 211,000 adorable babies and there is still 7 days left to enter.

Point being - lots of cute babies in this world.

So yes I caved.

Yes I think Rylee is adorable.

Yes of course I think she should win.

But yes, I do believe other babies are cute.

Do I think we are going to win...

.... Fat chance.

But here's to hoping!

Oh and you better believe I'm going to be that annoying Mom and put a link out there when the time comes to vote and make you all vote for her.  It's for the sake of Rylee's education :)

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