Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Valuable Lessons

I've learned some pretty valuable lessons since Rylee has been born.  She's taught me a lot.  She's taught me how to let things be, for example, it's okay to let things lay around the house.  The house doesn't have to be spotless. Steve's socks can lay in the middle of the living room floor, or piles and piles can lay on the bed before he finally decides to put them away.  She also has taught me how to not be so prim and proper... which really wasn't a problem with me.  Especially now that I live in spit up and the occasional poop.  She's taught me I can love to a whole new level, that one can never give or receive enough kisses and hugs, that babies really do smell the best (just don't smell under the 5 layers of chins where food gets stuck), that drool, baldness and belly's can be cute, and to enjoy every minute b/c it flies by!

But I've learned two really important lessons over the last few weeks that will really help me in the future. 

1.  If a baby is sitting in a bumbo and the grunting starts and face starts to redden.... QUICKLY.... remove the baby from the seat otherwise it could end up a catastrophe!  The oozing, seeping, and up-the-back poop does not stay contained but rather squishes it's way on out. 

2.  If your baby has a tiny little issue with being a little "plugged-up" and it's bath night and the water is warm and she relaxes, relaxes so much that she just lets a little turd float out, expect many more floaters to follow.  Simply stay calm, fish them out, let her finish, empty and refill.  But do not act prematurely dumping out the evidence... more will come... even minutes later just as you finished putting fresh, clean, blue water back into her tub.

Oh the life lessons one learns throughout this lovely life.

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