Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Banana Seat Man

Yesterday afternoon Rylee and I went for a run to enjoy the beautiful weather.  Well... I came upon a situation that somewhat confused me.

We start running around the bend, well, I'm huffing and puffing and Rylee is riding along just taking in the scenery while looking at me wondering why I look like I'm going to pass out, anyways, and I see two men on their bikes coming towards us.  I move to the inside of the street and look up to say a polite "Good Evening,"  But he beats me and says, "Daaaaannnnnggggg, that's a shame!" with a really big emphasis on shame.

Hmm.. Dang that's a shame.

I slow up, scrunch my eye brows, cock my head in confusion and think... is that a compliment or a distaste.  I mean, the "dang" was said like whoo hoo hey you Pamela Anderson, but the "Shame" was said like you just let down your parents b/c you just failed a Math exam because you were up all night talking on the phone to your boyfriend.

Plus, what confused me even more was the boy/man looked like he was upper 20s yet riding a banana seat bike. None-the-less,  I really started thinking could the shame be from the fact that I was wearing pink socks that had bunnies on them, or that I could barely breathe, or that my T-shirt had about 3 holes in it. 

I was still trying to figure out "Shame," when I get preoccupied with seeing the massive amounts of geese start to fly overhead. Then all of a sudden... SPLAT.. Splash, Splash Whack!!  It sounded like a rain storm for approximately 2 seconds!  Those stupid geese tried peeing on Rylee and I!  Not even 10 feet, no exaggeration at all, seriously not exaggerating, 10 feet away did gallons of pee and nastiness come splashing to the ground.


Then I started thinking... Everything does happen for a reason.  If that "Banana Seat Man" didn't confuse me with his comment I may not have slowed up and if I wouldn't have slowed up I would have been 10 feet ahead in my run, and if I were 10 feet ahead in my run I would have been showered with geese pee.

So I say thank you weird "Banana Seat Man." You saved me from a thunderstorm of pee.

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