Friday, September 21, 2012

Whoo Hoo!


I'm a little excited to say the least.


Last year I did a whole post about it. (see post)  But this year I'm extra amped.  

1.  I'm not pregnant!  I don' t have to drive home 1 1/2 hours at 11pm to come sleep in my extra comfy bed.  I could have drove home earlier but I was having way too much fun and wasn't about to leave.  So instead, me and my not so big belly, at that time, just ate french fries and chicken tenders all night long while sipping on some water.  Which then resulted in me making 2 pit stops for a potty break on the way home.  I wasn't too thrilled.  Sometimes I think I miss being pregnant.  Then I think about it... and realize I don't.

2.  I have an excuse to be horrible now at volleyball, it's called a baby. Some would say that's not an excuse but I say... hush you people.  Believe it or not I was somewhat good which is hard to believe if you would see me even attempt to set a ball right now.  I vowed I'd at least set the ball around with Steve to loosen up the old joints but I've failed to do so - this could be a little scary.

So, to you my teammates,  memories are to be made this year.   Anyone up for tapping into their immaturity for  a little TP of a future Hall of Famer? (aka my coach!)

Blast from the past:
I couldn't resist putting up some fun... 

and even embarrassing photos of the past :) 

A little pre-game air guitar show? ... Don't mind if we do.

40th Birthday?  Heck yes!  
Clare just think about how old you are now!

Wine in Itally?... Given!

Maybe even a little Discoteca.  Well...
We found out after 30 minutes wondering the streets in Italy doesn't mean Dance club like it does in Spanish.  What Spanish and Italian aren't the same?!
It's what one would call a more 'exotic' dance club.  Hmmm.  Not quite what we were looking for!

 Love you teammates!

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