Saturday, September 8, 2012

You Really Are That Big!

Last night we headed to Rylee's first volleyball game to go watch my old college team play, UW-Eau Claire.  So we got her all did up in her Eau Claire clothes and headed off. Of course she drooled so much before we left we had to take off the shirt to dry until we got there.  It was soaked... I could have literally rung it out.

We did have one pit stop on the way there.  Her 4 month Doctor appt.

I was really looking forward to this appt b/c Rylee has grown like a weed. So we get there and they start with the measurements.  Rylee is just a smiling and a giggling away, pulling her feet up and showing off to the nurse.  They start by measuring her head... brain is looking mighty fine, well the size at least ;)  Then they measure her height. The nurse looks down at the measurement, re-positions Rylee, pulls her foot straight, she looks a little bewildered but then says okay lets go to the scale.

After she takes all her measurements, she excuses herself to put Rylee's growth charts together and says she'll be back.  Rylee is still playing away.  The nurse returns, hands us her measurements and says, "The Doctor might remeasure her height as it's quite high."

We didn't think anything of it.

So the Doctor comes in next after just a couple minute wait.  Looks at Rylee,  "oh Wow Rylee you are looking quite healthy, aren't you." and laughs.  The doctors the sweetest person every so this humors Steve and I greatly.

She then proceeds to say she wants to remeasure her b/c it's showing that Rylee is quite tall for the measurements that the nurse took.  So she goes through the measuring process, really makes sure Rylee's head is snug against the board and that her foot is at 90 degrees.

Then she laughs,  "Oh my Rylee... You really are that BIG!" 

Then she snickers as she starts to show us her growth chart to show us how Rylee is doing developmentally.  The doctor starts by saying this is how the average growth  curve looks, blah blah blah and this is Rylee and points way above the line.

"Rylee, is what we call off the charts" the doctor says putting extra emphasis on "off the charts."  "She is measuring about the size of a nine month old!"

We always knew Rylee was tall and sometimes I think every parent's child is in the 90 of 95 percentile.  But there aren't too many times, if ever, that I've heard of someone's child being "off the charts!"  but I could be wrong :)

The rest of the appointment went really well.  We talked about sleeping, baths, her tasks she's conquered and when to go on baby food.  The doctor laughed and said, "well it wouldn't be to get her to eat more.... it would be just to get her used to the texture."  As she looks at Rylee like she's a mammoth :)

We say our goodbyes to the Doctors and staff and then as usual we text our parents and family to let them in on how Rylee is doing.  My parents just laugh and make comments on how she is going to be a middle hitter in volleyball, or watch out Gophers! Maybe even a 2032 Olympian.  Steve's Mom on the other hand kept asking what was wrong with Rylee! Why is she so big!  Are you feeding her too much!  Now I don't blame her at all for thinking this way b/c her other grandaughter and grandson were measuring this height and weight at the age of 1  :)   We just laughed and said Rylee just has the good and fabulous Freiborg genes.

18 lbs 12 oz
27 1/2 inches tall

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